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How to remove http://newsgmae.pro/page.html What is this virus and how does it work How can a virus enter the system How to remove a virus from a browser Video instruction Conclusion

How to remove http://newsgmae.pro/page.html

image Browser viruses are spreading at an alarming rate. At the same time, they are constantly developing and improving, as a result of which a number of difficulties arise with their removal - not every antivirus is able to completely remove such malicious software in one click. In this article, we will look at how to remove one of the most common threats that occur when working with a browser or at system startup.

What is this virus and how does it work

Newsgmae.pro/page.html is an advertising page that automatically opens in a separate window of any browser installed on the system. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Opera and many other Internet browsers can be affected by the virus utility.

The site is completely crammed with all kinds of advertising banners, accompanied by clickbait headlines. The developers of the virus earn money due to the fact that users (albeit forcedly) watch ads, and sometimes click on them.


In addition to earning, the site owner receives a number of additional features:

  1. Interception of all kinds of user data: browsing history, logins and passwords entered, plugins used, etc.
  2. Tracking the work of anti-virus software, monitoring processes running in the system.
  3. Search for system gaps through which additional virus programs can be installed.


Such adware viruses pass standard and third-party antivirus solutions without any problems. The launch of a pop-up page is initiated using an executable command that the virus prescribes on its own.

How can a virus enter the system

Absolutely any user who visits dubious sites or downloads files can catch the “newsgamepro” virus without caring about their safety. Most often, the virus code is sewn into executable files in the .EXE format, which are then distributed to file hosting sites and forums in the form of useful software.

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Since during installation the user himself gives the program administrator rights to make changes to the system, the virus does not have problems with its work. In this regard, you need to be very careful when downloading files.


How to remove a virus from a browser

So, the launch occurs as a result of the work of a command that is silently executed in the background without the knowledge of the user. To get rid of pop-up windows in the browser, you need to manually find the command and disable it, then find the file with the virus and get rid of it.


The sequence of actions to remove the virus software we are considering is as follows:

  1. Close all applications running on the system (especially browsers).
  2. If you are using Windows 11, then press the key combination [knopka]Win[/knopka]+[knopka]R[/knopka] and in the Run window that opens, type the msconfig command. If you have a fresh Windows 10 at your disposal, then just right-click on the bottom bar and click on "Task Manager".
  3. Move to the "Startup" section and find everything that seems suspicious, then turn it off. The title may directly contain the wording "newsgmae".
  4. Click on the search icon in the system tray and enter the query "Task Scheduler", then navigate to the first result. Go through the "Scheduler Library" and disable tasks that are clearly related to the virus.
  5. In the same search bar, find the "Registry Editor" and go to it, and then through the search engine, find the entries for the query "newsgmae". Delete all found items.
  6. Uninstall any software that caused the problem described.
  7. Use one of the free utilities for a comprehensive check of your computer (for example, you can download Dr.Web CureIt).
  8. Go to the browser you are using and through the settings, find the item related to plugins or extensions. Get rid of suspicious utilities.
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Finally, you can use the CCleaner cleaning utility, with which you can remove errors that have arisen after manually cleaning the registry.


Video instruction

This instruction shows all the steps that need to be taken to remove the virus discussed in the article.


Now you understand why newsgmae.pro/page.html appears and what to do if this advertising page is installed. After carrying out a set of actions described in the article, you will most likely be able to cope with the problem that has arisen.

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