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in Instagram by (26.0k points)
How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram

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by (148k points)
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How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram The value of subscribers for earning Approximate rates for advertising posts Video instruction Conclusion

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram

image Modern social networks allow absolutely any user to make money on advertising. Not only well-known bloggers or stars can sell advertising publications, but also ordinary people who have a sufficient number of subscribers on their account. In this article, we will figure out how many followers you need to make money on Instagram.

The value of subscribers for earning

First, let's talk about how important a large number of subscribers in your profile is. If you decide to sell ads on your profile, then remember that all followers in your account must be "live". This means that cheating bots will not lead you to any income.

This is due to the low effectiveness of advertising in such accounts. The indicator of subscribers can number several hundred thousand people, but the effectiveness of product advertising is minimal: no one will go to the site, place an order, or even leave an interested comment under the post.


Otherwise, you can start making money on Instagram with a few thousand followers. A lot depends on the topic of the blog. If you have a narrowly focused topic, but you create interesting content and develop a blog in this direction, then even with 5-10 thousand followers you can earn from 5 to 50 thousand rubles per publication. It is easy for such bloggers to find regular partners, work on barter (goods as a gift for an advertising post), and so on. Since the audience is interested in the material, the effectiveness of advertising will be high.


Users constantly see advertising integrations with various stars, bloggers from YouTube and other platforms. Such individuals can advertise absolutely any goods and services.

The cost in this case consists of the level of authority and trust of the audience in the public figure, activity in the social network, as well as reputation in general. But next we will talk about what is the approximate cost of selling ads on Instagram without reference to specific individuals.

Approximate rates for advertising posts

Below is a list with average rates per ad post:

  • bloggers with 1-10 thousand subscribers can earn from 1 thousand rubles or more, depending on the subject of the page;
  • accounts with an audience of 20 to 100 thousand subscribers usually request from 5 thousand rubles or more;
  • a blogger with 50-150 thousand followers can earn 30-100 thousand rubles for one advertising post;
  • owners of pages with 200-400 thousand subscribers set a price of 100-200 thousand rubles.
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A separate point is to highlight advertising from the most famous stars and bloggers who sell posts for 200, 300, 400 thousand and up to 1 million rubles.


You can build on the data presented if you want to understand how many subscribers you need to make money. If we are talking about integration into Instagram Stories, then the price tag can be reduced by 2 times. This is due to the fact that such a post will be automatically deleted after 24 hours.

To see the approximate rates for advertising posts on various topics, register on the Plibber exchange. On this resource, accounts of Instagram page owners who want to earn money are created. Ads are posted with statistics, which include the total audience, reach, cost, and so on.


Based on this data, you can get an approximate picture of what is happening in the advertising market on the Instagram social network. You can also set your profile on this exchange if you already have an account with more than 200 subscribers. In this case, the price for an advertising post starts from 20 rubles.

Video instruction

We have analyzed this topic, and now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented video. From it you will learn more useful information on making money on Instagram.


So, now you know more about how many Instagram followers you need to sell ads. As it turned out, you can sell posts even with a few hundred followers. It all depends on the theme of the page, the activity of subscribers and the overall effectiveness of advertising. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments!

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