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in Windows 7 by (26.1k points)
How to reinstall Windows 7

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How to reinstall Windows 11 Downloading and burning the image Installing Windows 11 System Setup Video instruction Finally

How to reinstall Windows 11

image Despite the increasing popularity of the new operating system from Microsoft, the more proven Windows 11 is a great success. However, it also needs to be replaced over time. Therefore, in our today's article we will talk about how to reinstall Windows 11. Let's get down to business without delay, especially since, as you will now understand for yourself, this is not as difficult as it seems.

Downloading and burning the image

You can install the operating system using a DVD-ROM or USB flash drive. But first we need to download the image. It's done like this:

  1. Since Windows 11 is no longer officially supplied by Microsoft, we will have to find the desired image on torrent exchangers. To do this, you will need a Yandex or Google search and, accordingly, the torrent client program itself.
  2. When the image is downloaded, write it to a USB flash drive or disk using the Rufus utility. We talked about how to work with it in this article.


Yes, a very important point: after we write Windows 11 to a USB flash drive, all data from it will be deleted. So make sure to back up first. When our drive is ready, you can proceed directly to the installation of the system.

Download only the original image of Windows 11 and do not use different builds. The system, the code of which was picked up by some folk craftsman, is no longer usable.

Installing Windows 11

By default, any computer or laptop boots from the hard drive. To make it start from our flash drive, you need to take a few simple steps. And here we have two options at once:

  • Go to the BIOS and set the removable USB drive as the first boot device. Usually, in order to get into the BIOS, we need to press the [knopka]Delete[/knopka] button on the keyboard. Already, depending on the model of the motherboard, you need to make changes so that the flash drive is loaded first. When everything is done, save the changes and restart the computer, after inserting our Windows 11 flash drive into the USB.
  • There is another simpler option. The fact is that most modern PCs are equipped with a special boot menu. It allows, without changing the BIOS settings, one-time boot from an external drive. Each computer or laptop has its own button to launch such a menu. For example, in our case it is [knopka]f12[/knopka]. You can also get information on your model using the search.
Also Read:   Two Ways to Disable Sticky Keys in Windows 11


One way or another, when the computer is booted from a USB flash drive, we need to proceed directly to installing the operating system. And here everything is already very simple: we simply, following the prompts of a simple step-by-step wizard, install our "Seven".


The only thing to mention is disk partitioning. If you already have partitions, such as drive C and D, you need to save them. We delete only the system partition and install the OS on it.


Expert opinion
Daria Stupnikova
Specialist in WEB-programming and computer systems. PHP/HTML/CSS editor for os-helper.ru site .
Ask Daria
Be careful: if you mistakenly install Windows 11 on the user data disk (D), all your personal files will be irretrievably lost!

System Setup

Well, after our Windows 11 is installed on a computer or laptop, we will have to make a few simple settings. In particular, these are:

  • Operating system activation.
  • Downloading and installing drivers.
  • Personalization.

We have no way to describe the whole process in detail in one article, since it would take a lot of time on your part as well.


All points have been discussed in detail on our website, so you can easily find the information you need using the search.

Video instruction

For clarity, we have attached a video to the article, in which the whole process is shown in as much detail as possible. Be sure to watch this video until the end and only then proceed to practice.


Now that you have mastered the theoretical material and watched the video on the topic, you can go directly to practice. Do everything exactly as we showed it, and then there will be no problems.

And if you have any questions, you can always ask us using the comment form.

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