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in Instagram by (26.0k points)
How to switch to a personal account on Instagram

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by (148k points)
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How to switch to a personal account on Instagram What is a "personal account"? Switching to a personal account Switch to company profile Possible problems Conclusion

How to switch to a personal account on Instagram

image An account that has just been registered on the Instagram social network automatically receives a personal status. If necessary, in the future, the user can transfer the page to a business account by going through re-authorization - the profile will be attached to the Facebook page. In this short article, we will look at how to switch to a personal account on Instagram.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with this video - it clearly demonstrates the processes of working with a personal page on Instagram.

What is a "personal account"?

A personal profile is your own profile, to which you can restrict access by closing. It will not work to close a business account - anyone can subscribe to it without obtaining permission from the owner.


A personal page has a number of advantages:

  1. The audience is more willing to purchase services, because they see that they are offered by a specific person (a psychological factor is triggered - it is more comfortable for a person to purchase something from someone he sees).
  2. There are no restrictions on posting content - you can post both a product card and a photo from your own life.


Among the main disadvantages of a private page for those who run their own business through Instagram are the following:

  1. Statistics such as attendance, audience coverage, etc. are not available. A business owner cannot analyze the results of his activities and rely on changes in key indicators.
  2. There is no possibility to run promotions.
  3. It is impossible to promote posts with goods using the tools built into the official application.

As you can see, a private account is best for a regular user - you only need to switch to "business" if you use the profile to earn money, and advertising and analytical capabilities are important to you.

Switching to a personal account

If the purpose of your business account suddenly changed, and you urgently needed to transfer it to private mode, you need to follow the following simple sequence of actions:

  1. Open the main profile page by clicking on the human-shaped icon located in the lower right corner.
  2. Go to "Settings" by clicking on the appropriate button in the upper corner.
  3. We find the section "Account" and click on "Switch to personal account".
  4. We agree with the warning that when switching, access to statistics will be closed, but the ability to return to a working account will not be lost.
  5. Click on "Return".
See also:   How to link Instagram to your phone via phone


That's all - no additional confirming actions will have to be carried out.

Switch to company profile

In order to switch to a business account and gain access to some additional features, you will have to link your Facebook profile to your page. The transition instruction looks like this:

  1. Go to your profile and swipe left to bring up the side menu.
  2. Click on "Settings", tap on the item "Switch to a business account".
  3. Choose a category and subcategory from the proposed catalog of options. It is necessary to determine as accurately as possible for what purpose you will maintain the company page.
  4. We enter the email address that visitors can contact, as well as the phone number of the company and the actual address of the location.
  5. In the "Link to Facebook" section, click on "Select Page" and add it.


You can later return to your personal account according to the instructions presented in the previous paragraph.

Possible problems

Some users have difficulty returning from "business" to a personal account. They may be related to the following things:

  1. Problems with linked page on Facebook. If the page, for example, is blocked, then you need to untie it from Instagram.
  2. Advertising campaigns have been launched - they need to be completed.
  3. Error in the system - restart the application.


If the problem could not be solved, contact technical support - they will answer you in the near future and help you return to your personal page.


As Instagram develops, it acquires new features, one of which was the function of switching to a business account. If you decide to use this tool out of curiosity, you can always return everything back in just a few clicks.

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