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in Android by (149k points)
Problems charging the mobile: how to know what is wrong?

1 Answer

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by (149k points)
Do not despair and leave it chargingBlame the charger or plug?It could be a mobile problemClean the portCheck the adapter

Many times it is the case that when we plug the phone into the current our mobile does not start to charge. But is it a problem with the battery, the charger or the mobile itself? Before drawing the worst possible conclusion, you should know that, in the vast majority of cases, the problem to charge the battery  comes for a reason that usually has a fairly simple solution.

There may be different problems, such as the charger having a small break in the charging cable wire, a problem in the charging port of your mobile or a battery failure . Therefore, we are going to teach you to identify the root of the problem. So we will review a series of steps to know what to do if the mobile does not recognize the charger or if it is not charging correctly.

Do not despair and leave it charging

If your mobile is completely discharged, it may be that it does not respond when you plug it into the charger. And you have to know that if you continually try to turn it on you will only make it take longer to show signs of life. So be patient and leave it for a while , since mobiles have a protection system that blocks their use to prevent the battery from reaching a true zero percent charge.

mobile charging

How is this possible? And it is because, technically, when our device is turned off it does not mean that it runs out of battery, since in reality it still has some mAh still . In the event that it really has fallen below minimums, you have to be aware that the battery could suffer irreversible damage.

For this reason, we recommend that you wait at least between twenty and thirty minutes to see if it finally turns on again. This is basically because the battery until it has been charged above a certain limit will not be able to turn on. If after that time it does not show signs, try leaving it for a few more hours.

Blame the charger or plug?

One of the most common problems is that the USB cable  with which we connect our smartphone is damaged and you cannot see exactly where it is. This occurs in most cases because we are used to carrying it everywhere, we roll it or bend it badly and with the passage of time it deteriorates.

mobile charging in a socket

So let's assume it is our mobile charger's fault. What should we do? The first thing we should do is charge a different device using the same charger. In the case of giving answers, this may not be the problem. If it does not work, try putting it to charge with another charger  that has similar characteristics that you have at home. In the case of working, it would mean that it is time to buy a new one because ours is broken.

Finally, we can do the test in another socket, because on many occasions we have not noticed it and it does not work. So, connect your phone to the computer via the same USB cable  that you use in the charger. If in your case they cannot be separated, use another cable that you have at home. You can also make sure that other devices do turn on or connect to that same socket, to be able to rule out options.

Clean the port

After trying the following options that we will give you later, we are going to check that the USB port of the Smartphone is correct . Since the charging connector is an essential part of the battery, and if it is defective or damaged, it could cause the battery not to charge properly. Therefore, the only thing we can do on our own is to carefully remove the dirt.

clean the mobile

But, how much influence does the dirt? The answer is yes, because we are used to carrying mobile phones in pockets, bags or backpacks, places where dust could block the connection. To be able to clean it well, blow or insert a fine object to get rid of the dirt that may have accumulated at the bottom of the opening. If you reconnect the terminal and it still does not charge, don't worry, the problem could be something else.

Check the adapter

It is also possible that it is not the fault of the mobile or the charger. Therefore, we would have to make sure that the adapter to the current that we have is not damaged. To check it, we will only have to plug the USB cable into the mobile phone at one end and to the computer at the other end. If you recognize the device and everything works normally, the problem is in the adapter , since it is common for them to break down due to use, overheating or we are simply using one that is not of very good quality and its useful life is much shorter.

It could be a mobile problem

mobile charging

In the event that the fault is neither on the part of the power adapter nor the charging cable, unfortunately the root of the problem is in our phone . So we will show you two more possible cases:

  • The battery . Unfortunately, batteries deteriorate over the years and it will be even greater if we do not charge our terminal correctly, since, in addition to lasting fewer hours of power-up, they can also give us different problems during charging. It will be very easy to check the battery status if your phone has a removable cover, although this is not usual anymore. Once you have done it, you will only have to check if the battery is swollen. If it is, yes or yes, the time has come to have to change it.
  • An internal problem . Another option, which is also more common than it seems, is that the fault of our device not charging is that some component inside is damaged. Many times it may be the case that we have dropped the mobile and at first it seems that everything is in order, but without knowing it, we have damaged a connector of the internal circuit or even a small part that needs to be changed. So our alternative will be to go to a technical service.