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in Android by (149k points)
Push notification  Error On Samsung Galaxy S20

1 Answer

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by (149k points)
Push Notification solutions:

Push Notification solutions:

The battery-saving features and aggressive RAM and task management that are baked into all smartphones today are a great way to keep your phone running smoothly for as long as possible. However, this can also cause some problems for your Samsung Galaxy S20, particularly when it comes to delayed app notifications.

Potential solutions:

If you are seeing delayed notifications, you will need to make sure these apps are not on the "battery optimization" list, so they keep running in the background for as long as you need them. There may be a ding in battery life, but that's worth it to make sure you don't miss out on anything important.

Go to Apps> Settings apps> Battery optimization> All apps. Find the apps you are seeing this problem with and disable them.

If you want to ensure that an application continues to run in the background, you can "lock" the application. Open the app. Then launch the Recent Apps page. Touch the application icon and select "Keep open for quick launch." Once done, you can remove it by tapping the lock icon at the bottom right of the app on the Recent page.

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