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in Android by (149k points)
Smart Unlock Problems on Samsung Galaxy S20

1 Answer

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by (149k points)
Solutions to Smart Unlock Problems 

Solutions to Smart Unlock Problems 

Some users find that despite having Smart Unlock configured through the Settings menu, and with the location precisely set, the feature doesn't seem to work most of the time. This problem occurs when using Smart Unlock based on location such as a home or office.

Potential solutions:

For some, this issue might have been related to the rampant GPS connection issues Samsung Galaxy S20 devices were facing. This has since been fixed with a software update, so the Smart Unlock feature could work as expected.

If not, you'd better set up a Bixby routine. To do this, go to Settings> Advanced Features and tap on Bixby Routines. You'll also find a Bixby Routines toggle in the Quick Settings section of the notifications drop-down menu. Tap on the name and not on the switch. Once the page opens, click on "Details." You will find "Smart Unlock" in the list of existing presets in the "My Workouts" section.

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