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in Android by (149k points)
Camera does not work on Android 11

1 Answer

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by (149k points)

Does the camera take time to react on your Samsung mobile? Does it crash when you record video? Doesn't it show you the thumbnail of the photos? These and many other drawbacks have been noticed by Samsung users after updating to Android 11.

If it has not been fixed with any update, then try resetting the Camera app on your Samsung mobile . To do this, go to App Settings and choose Reset Settings. This will erase any changes you have made to the app and return you to the Default Settings.

And if you want to make sure to eliminate any problem or conflict, then directly Clear the data and cache from the mobile Settings. Go to Settings >> Applications >> Camera >> Storage. And one last detail to take into account is to eliminate other camera apps, or that use the camera as the main part of their operation.

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